Buying & Selling Books since 2003
1 Mill Street 2177
Branchville NJ
Mon - Sat 10 to 6
Sun 10:00 to 3:00
Buying & Selling Books since 2003
1 Mill Street 2177
Branchville NJ
Mon - Sat 10 to 6
Sun 10:00 to 3:00
1 Mill Street 2177
Branchville NJ
Mon - Sat 10 to 6
Sun 10:00 to 3:00
1 Mill Street 2177
Branchville NJ
Mon - Sat 10 to 6
Sun 10:00 to 3:00
Broad Street Books is an independent used book store specializing in a wide variety of non-fiction books,
children & young adult literature, leather bound classics and CDs.
where to buy and sell books in new jersey - sell books nj
We buy used books.
We are happy to take a look at most interesting collections, but primarily focused on academic and scholarly books, textbooks, and CDs.
Please call ahead before bringing books to the shop.
We will come to your location for large collections.
Art, Architecture, Photography,Painting/Drawing, Design, Fashion,
Cooking, Gardening,
Children's Books, Young Adult, History, Religion,Philosophy, Mythology/Occult, Sports, Science, Chess, Music, Poetry, Transportation (auto, trains, planes, and ships), Sociology, Psychology,
Plus many others.
We also carry a large selection of Classical and Jazz Cds.
We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.
Looking for where to sell books or buy Books in NJ? We buy and sell quality used books and CD collections. We are in the business of selling books and have many books for sale.
by Sue-Ni DiStefano
Copyright © 2025 Broad Street Books - All Rights Reserved.
Created by: Magnus DiStefano